Monday, July 27, 2015

Supply List

Student Supply Lists for Rock Hill Middle Schools 2015-2016

Please provide the following for your children for the coming year.  All students are expected to have a bookbag to carry materials/supplies.

Large binder
Notebooks that fit your child’s organizational style

Notebook paper

Graph paper


Colored pencils


3 x 5 notecards

Inexpensive earbuds

PE uniform (purchase at the school)

Specific elective courses may require additional purchases.

Sixth Grade Transition Camp

6th Graders are invited to attend a mini-camp on August 5th from 8:15- 11:45 and from 1:15 to 4:45.  There are two sessions so the student will only need to attend one session.  During the mini-camp students will be given the opportunity to work on opening a locker, traveling their schedule, and finding important places in the building.  Sign up