Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Student Body Officers

Thanks to all students who participated in the election. It was a well-fought race. 

Congratulations to the following 2016-2017 Student Body Officers: 
-President- Tia G. 
-Vice President- BreShawn M.
-Treasurer- Quinlee C.
-Secretary- Kaylynn S.

We will have our first meeting tomorrow at 8:00 am in Room C104. All officers and representatives must attend. 

Cheerleader Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Cheerleaders will be selling Krispy Kreme discount cards during both games Wednesday, September 21st. Each card has about $100 worth of savings and is $20 each.  Also, the Cheerleaders will be holding a Flip-A-Thon during half-time at each game this season.  Parents will have a chance to sponsor flips and sign up for an amount to donate for each flip that Coach Adkins can do. Sign up sheets will come around with cheerleaders during the 1st and 2nd quarter of each game. Sign up and support STMS Cheerleading!

Cheerleaders are allowed to wear their cheer tops on every game day as long as they wear a white collard shirt underneath.